STEM Signing Day is an annual event that celebrates the accomplishments of Chicago Public School (CPS) students and Gary Community School and Chartered School students who are currently under-represented in STEM fields. These students will be applying their talents in pursuit of STEM degrees at some of the nation’s top colleges, universities and 2- year colleges.
Accepted applicants will be recognized, awarded a scholarship, and join a community of students STEM professionals and mentors, putting themselves on the fast track for success.
STEM Signing Day Chicago
sponsored by The Boeing Company
Student Application & Eligibility
Students apply to be a part of STEM Signing Day through the Chicago STEM Co-Op, a Chicago-based organization that convenes stakeholders in Chicago’s STEM ecosystem to address inequities in the STEM learning continuum by facilitating cross-sector knowledge building, collaboration, and collective action.
Application Eligibility
Any CPS high school graduating senior who will be attending college (can be community, city, state, or private) and pursuing a STEM degree.
*No GPA requirements
Application Process
Obtain a nomination or a letter of recommendation
Students must either receive a nomination or provide one letter of recommendation from a teacher, school official, extra curricular program leader, or community leader.
Complete the Online Application
Students must complete the online application, detailing their academic and after-school experiences, personal goals and aspirations to pursue a STEM-related major and career pathway.
Upload an Acceptance Letter
Students must provide a letter of acceptance from a 2 or 4 year college/university.
Affirm plan to pursue a STEM degree
Students must state in their application the STEM or Aviation degree they intend to pursue.
Apply Now!
STEM Signing Day Gary
sponsored by The Boeing Company and Chicago Area Business Aviation Association (CABAA)
Application Eligibility
Any Gary Community School or charter high school graduating senior who will be attending college (can be community, city, state, or private) and studying a STEM degree.
*No GPA requirements
Application Process
Obtain a nomination or a letter of recommendation
Students must either receive a nomination or provide one letter of recommendation from a teacher, school official, extra curricular program leader, or community leader.
Complete the Online Application
Students must complete the online application, detailing their academic and after-school experiences, personal goals and aspirations to pursue a STEM-related major and career pathway.
Upload an Acceptance Letter
Students must provide a letter of acceptance from a 2 or 4 year college/university.
Affirm plan to pursue a STEM degree
Students must state in their application the STEM or Aviation degree they intend to pursue.
Apply Now!
Application Process
1. Register
Complete and submit the registration form if you are a student or nominator.
2. Log In
Log in to the application site using your newly created username and password.
3. Create Application
Create your online application. Students must complete the online application, detailing their academic and after-school experiences, personal goals and aspirations to pursue a STEM-related major and career pathway.
4. Obtain a nomination or a recommendation
Students must either receive a nomination or provide a recommendation from a teacher, school official, extra curricular program leader, or community leader.
5. Upload Acceptance Letter
Students must provide a letter of acceptance from a 2- or 4-year college/university.
6. Save Draft
You can begin work on your online application and save it as a draft by clicking the "Save as DRAFT" button. You can continue working on it off and on until you have all of the required information and uploads you need to submit as final. As each section is complete, you will see a appear in the category tab when the application is saved. At any time, you can download and print your application by clicking on the
icon in the Application Summary section.
7. Submit Application
Once complete, submit your application by clicking the "Submit as FINAL" button. NOTE: You can make updates to a submitted application as long as you do so prior to the application deadline. Simply make your updates to the application online and click on the "Submit as FINAL" button again.
Mentor Application
Mentors will provide quality youth mentoring across Chicago, Illinois and Gary, Indiana to serve and support local youth while increasing accountability and social responsibility of corporations, companies, and organizations.
Mentors who were matched in June 2021 are required to complete the application to provide updates on their mentorship relationship. However, unless your preference is otherwise, you will continue with your mentee until March 2023.
All mentors must first register to complete your mentor application. If you are returning to complete an application you already started, please login.
How to Become a Mentor
- Complete the Mentor Application
- Complete Background Check and Mentor Code of Conduct
- Mentor/mentee matching
Cohort 1 - Mentors are matched with STEM Signing Day recipients from 2019, 2020, or 2021. Mentees are current college students.
Cohort 2 - Mentors are matched with STEM Signing Day recipients from this upcoming 2022 event. Mentees are prospective college students.
Mentor Benefits
Mentoring is a valuable tool for developing our most important asset, our people. A successful mentoring process depends on the partners sharing common goals and expectations, having a commitment to the mentoring practice, and giving and receiving trust and respect.
Both the mentor and the mentee give and grow in the mentoring process. You, the mentor, have the opportunity to review your accomplishments and challenges as a reminder of lessons learned. In sharing your expertise, you are leaving a legacy and guiding another’s career path. This also gives you an opportunity to review and re-energize your personal career goals.
You, the mentor, will get many benefits from this experience.Here are just a few additional benefits you might consider:
- Personal satisfaction in helping someone grow professionally.
- Learning from the mentee.
- Building new relationships
- Developing your skills as a "teacher" — helping someone clarify his or her career goals.
- Developing your skills as a "guide" — helping someone navigate the waters of the organization.
- Developing your skills as an "advisor" — helping someone find his or her strengths and weaknesses.
Mentor Roles & Responsibilities
Development of your mentee depends on exploring career aspirations, strengths and weaknesses; collaborating on means to “get there;” implementing strategies; and evaluating along the way. You, as the mentor, provide the “light” for the mentee to follow. Sharing your wisdom and past experiences is what the mentee looks for from you.
Here are a few roles and responsibilities to help you in the process:
- Support the mentee’s development of professional and interpersonal competencies through strategic questioning, goal setting, and planning.
- Create a supportive and trusting environment.
- Agree to, and schedule, uninterrupted time with your mentee.
- Stay accessible, committed, and engaged during the length of the program.
- Actively listen and question.
- Give feedback to the mentee on his/her goals, situations, plans, and ideas.
- Encourage your mentee by giving him or her genuine, positive reinforcement.
- Serve as a positive role model.
- Provide frank (and kind) corrective feedback if necessary.
- Openly and honestly share “lessons learned” from your own experience.
- Keep discussions on track.
- Respect your mentee’s time and resources.
- Participate in the scheduled events for the program.
- Seek assistance if questions arise that you cannot answer.
Mentee Survey
Chicago and Gary STEM Signing Day honorees and alumni are eligible to be matched with a mentor to help them navigate their education and career paths. To be matched or re-matched with your mentor, you must complete a mentee survey.
How to Become a Mentee
- Mentor/mentee matching
- Complete the Mentee Survey Registration describing the areas you want to work on with your mentor and the qualities of your ideal mentor
- Mentor/mentee matching
Cohort 1 - Mentors are matched with STEM Signing Day recipients from 2019, 2020, or 2021. Mentees are current college students.
Cohort 2 - Mentors are matched with STEM Signing Day recipients from this upcoming 2022 event. Mentees are prospective college students.
Mentee Benefits
Mentoring is a valuable tool for developing our most important asset, our people. A successful mentoring process depends on the partners sharing common goals and expectations, having a commitment to the mentoring practice, and giving and receiving trust and respect.
Both the mentor and the mentee give and grow in the mentoring process. You, the mentee, can learn valuable knowledge from the mentor’s expertise and past mistakes. You can increase your competencies in specific areas. You can establish valuable connections with more senior and experienced employees.
You, the mentee, will get many benefits from this experience.Here are just a few additional benefits you might consider:
- Having a caring ear to hear your triumphs as well as your frustrations.
- Developing your skill as a “planner” — getting a sharper focus on what’s needed to grow professionally.
- Developing your skill as a “learner” — finding new ways to acquire new skills.
- Developing your skill as a “communicator” — improving your ability to express your expectations, goals, and concerns.
- Learning what it is like to be in a higher-level position.
- Having an advocate within the organization.
- Receiving knowledge about the “ins and outs” of the organization.
- Receiving honest feedback.
Mentee Roles & Responsibilities
Your development depends on exploring career aspirations, strengths and weaknesses; collaborating on means to “get there;” implementing strategies; and evaluating along the way. Your mentor will provide the “light” for you to follow. Learning from the wisdom and past experiences of your mentor will serve you well and produce great benefits.
Here are a few roles and responsibilities to help you in the process:
- Commit to your development.
- Assume responsibility for acquiring or improving skills and knowledge.
- Discuss your Individual Development Plan with your mentor.
- Be open and honest on your goals, expectations, challenges and concerns.
- Actively listen and question.
- Build a supportive and trusting environment.
- Seek advice, opinion, feedback, and direction from your mentor.
- Be open to constructive criticism/feedback, and ask for it.
- Come to your meetings prepared with a clear idea of what topics or issues you want to address.
- Respect your mentor’s time and resources.
- Apply what you learn from your meetings when back on the job.
- Keep your supervisor informed of the process and your progress.
- Give feedback to your mentor on what is working or not working in the mentoring relationship.
- Participate in the scheduled events for the program.
To complete an application for STEM Signing Day, nominate a student, become a mentor, or complete a mentee survey, you must first register.
Click "Student" button if wish to apply to STEM Signing Day or be assigned a mentor. Click "Mentor" if you wish to nominate a student or become a STEM Signing Day mentor.
Once you submit your registration, use the "Log in" button to complete the appropriate application, survey, or nomination form from the drop down menu.
Returning visitor? Use the "Log in" button and start your online application or nomination form.
Contact Information
Chicago STEM Pathways Cooperative a Project Exploration Initiative4511 South Evans
Chicago, IL 60653
Phone: 312 273 4026